We found little association between empirical measures of in situ pH and the abundance of sensitive taxa as revealed by meta-analysis, calling into question the coherence between experimental studies and field observations. In this perspective, we compare expectations from experimental studies with observations made in Puget Sound (Washington, United States), a highly dynamic estuary with known vulnerabilities to low pH and high pCO 2. While laboratory studies can be indicative of zooplankton response to OA, in situ responses will ultimately determine the fate of populations and ecosystems.

Laboratory studies demonstrate that low pH and high pCO 2 associated with OA can significantly affect the physiology and survival of zooplankton, with differential responses among taxa. Zooplankton can serve as indicators of ecosystem health, water quality, food web structure, and environmental change, including those associated with climate change and ocean acidification (OA). 4Hakai Institute, Campbell River, BC, Canada.3Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

2School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States.1School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States.